
Three words for Louis: strong-willed, fast-learner, effective.

top student image

Louis Owen is a Data Scientist who always hungry for new knowledge. He pursued a Mathematics major at one of the top universities in Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, under a full final-year scholarship. Recently, in July 2020, he was just graduated from his study with honours.

Louis is an NLP Enthusiast who is also familiar working with tabular and image data as well. Louis has experienced as an analytics / machine learning intern in various field of industry, including OTA (Traveloka), e-Commerce (Tokopedia), FinTech (Do-it), Smart City App (Qlue Smart City).

Currently, Louis is working as a Data Science Consultant at The World Bank. my journey image

What they said about Louis

Working in the same team with Louis is awesome and memorable, as stated by his colleagues. recommendations image

A Life Outside of Work

Louis loves to spent his spare time doing his hobbies: watching movies, conducting side-projects, and writing articles.

He also loves to give back to the community by sharing his experiences and knowledge.

Finally, Louis loves to meet new friends! So, please feel free to reach him out if you have any topics to be discussed.


Python, Tableau, SQL, R, Git, Docker, Design Thinking, AWS EC2, Google Data Studio, Matlab, SPSS

Working Experiences

Data Science Consultant - The World Bank

Apr 2020 - Present

  • As a data science short-term consultant for a COVID-19 collaboration project between The World Bank, MIT, Stanford, and Mafindo
  • Developed a topic monitoring end-to-end pipeline regarding COVID-19 handling in Indonesia through social media (Twitter and Instagram) using the word-embedding approach
  • Developing a misinformation detection end-to-end pipeline based on Twitter and Instagram data

AI Engineer Intern - Qlue Smart City

Feb 2020 - May 2020

  • Developed an age and gender image classification model using SOTA pre-trained model starting from data gathering until model optimization phase
  • Developed a mask facial detection model using SOTA pre-trained model starting from data generation until model optimization phase
  • Created an analysis report about Multiple Object Tracking and Human Action Recognition SOTA methods

Data Scientist Intern - Do-It

Dec 2019 - Jan 2020

  • Developed a prediction model for Non-Performing-Loan with around 0.85 balanced accuracy using both internal and external data starting from data gathering until deployment phase
  • Developed a segmentation and cluster prediction model which could increase the manpower efficiency and reduce around 80% of SMS notification cost for recollection phase

Lecturer Assistant - Bandung Institute of Technology

Aug 2019 - Dec 2019

  • Calculus lecturer assistant for Professor Marcus Wono Setya Budhi Ph.D.
  • Introduction to Computation lecturer assistant for Fajar Yuliawan, S.T., M.Si.

Data Analyst Intern - Tokopedia

May 2019 - Aug 2019

  • Developed a complex rule-based segmentation algorithm of Tokopedia Buyer from the logistics side using Python, BigQuery and Tableau
  • Conducted an analysis of the promo usage by Tokopedia Buyer with RFM framework and decision tree algorithm using Python and Tableau
  • Created an infographic about Tokopedia Digital performance based on internal and external data

Marketing & Analystics Intern - Traveloka

May 2018 - Aug 2018

  • Conducted a research about Search Engine Optimization focusing on On-Page Optimization
  • Conducted a grand audit for Traveloka’s On-Page Optimization
  • Benchmarked Traveloka’s On-Page Optimization with best practices and competitors
  • Created a ranking formula model to forecast a potential improvement on some business aspects
  • Created the operational business process for the future project


L. Owen and F. Oktariani, SENN: Stock Ensemble-based Neural Network for Stock Market Prediction using Historical Stock Data and Sentiment Analysis, 2020, The 3rd International Conference on Data Science and Its Applications (ICoDSA).

[Paper ] [Video] [Code ] [PPT]


Bandung Institute of Technology

Bachelor of Science - Mathematics | GPA: 3.92/4.00 (Cumlaude)

Honours and Awards

Scope Description Rank
National Data Analytics Competition FIND IT 2019 held by Gadjah Mada University 1st Winner
International Hack Asia “Know Your Data, Know Your Customer” Data Hackathon held by Jardines Matheson Runner Up
International EY NEXT WAVE Data Science Challenge held by Ernst & Young Country Finalist
University Most Outstanding Student in First Year -
University Dean’s List Awardee from the First until Last Semester -
National Grab Tech Future Leader Awardee: A tech future leader program held by Grab Indonesia with only around 2% acceptance rate -
University Tokopedia Scholarship Awardee: Full tuition fee, monthly allowance, graduation allowance, and book allowance for 1 year with only around 4% acceptance rate across Indonesia (the only awardee in his university) -

Organizational Experiences

General Director - Kabinet Keluarga Mahasiswa ITB

Mar 2018 - Apr 2019

  • As General Director of Research and Development at Ministry of TPB students’ Character Development
  • Lead the team consisting of 5 members and designed the framework for TPB students’ character analysis
  • Analysed and created a report based on 4000 row of data gathered from the questionnaire

Chief - HIMATIKA ITB’s April Graduation’s Ceremony

Jan 2018 - Apr 2018

  • An annual event held by HIMATIKA ITB to appreciate their graduates
  • Lead 12 executive board member consisting of 63 members with only 2 months’ preparation
  • Monitor all 12 divisions to make sure everything completed on time
  • Design the concept and theme for the graduation ceremony

Curator Team - TEDxITB 2.0

Mar 2018 - May 2018

  • TEDxITB aims to be one of the most established of the independently organized TEDx communities in Indonesia
  • As PIC for SpeakUpxITB (TEDxITB 2.0 pre-event), who responsible for making the speaker assessment guide
  • As Mr Salman Subakat, CMO of PT Paragon Technology and Innovation, LO at the day of the event

Participant - StudentsCatalyst

Mar 2018 - May 2018

  • StudentsCatalyst is a student-led initiative that provides incubator from top performer individual to gather, share, and inspire each other
  • As a participant of StudentsCatalyst Batch 5 Chapter Bandung which selected from around 200 applicants
  • As the head of GEMESH (Gembira Bersama Sampah), which is a social project held by his team and awarded as the Best Project in his batch

Event Team - TEDxITB

Mar 2018 - May 2018

  • TEDxITB aims to be one of the most established of the independently organized TEDx communities in Indonesia
  • Fulfilled logistic needs for TEDxITB event and become one of the event’s PIC at the day of the event
  • Selected to become 1 of 10 volunteers from around 300 applicants


Bahasa Indonesia - Native Proficiency

English - Professional Working Proficiency


Louis' Personal AI Assistant

  • The initiation of this project is motivated by a simple question comes to Louis' mind: My portfolio seems too static. What should I do to make it more interactive and fun while also applying my NLP knowledge on it?
  • 980+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

NLP Bahasa Indonesia Resources

  • A repo which provides link to almost all useful dataset and usable library for NLP in Bahasa Indonesia can be found in the internet
  • 500+ supports from the LinkedIn Community and ~100 GitHub Stars
  • The initiation of this project is motivated by the very low and scattered resources for NLP in Bahasa
  • Hopefully, after the initiation of this project there will be more and more resources for NLP in Bahasa

Customizable Real-time Dashboard to Monitor Your Google Form Responses

  • In this article, Louis gives a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to visualize real-time Google Form responses in Streamlit dashboard, starting from importing responses in google sheets until the deployment of the dashboard.
  • Featured in Towards Data Science
  • 280+ claps from the Medium reader
  • 130+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

Semi-supervised Intent Classification with GAN-BERT

  • The initiation of this project is motivated by a simple question comes to Louis' mind: Is it possible to do text-classification with 150 target classes using only 10 labelled samples for each class but still get a good performance?
  • 200+ claps from the Medium reader
  • 100+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

SENN: Stock Ensemble-based Neural Network

NLP Book Summary

  • Summary of "Neural Network Methods for Natural Language Processing" by Yoav Goldberg and "Deep Learning" by Ian J. Goodfellow
  • Louis created this book summary for his undergradute thesis and he thought it will be useful for many people so he share this to the LinkedIn Community
  • 300+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

Powerful Packages to Boost your Exploratory Data Analysis Performance

  • In this article, Louis introduced 3 awesome free packages which can generate an HTML report comprises various kind of EDA, in just a couple lines of Python code!
  • Featured in Medium
  • 60+ claps from the Medium reader

Mosaic Image Generator using Python

  • A repo which provides the code to generate mosaic image from scratch using Python
  • 120+ supports from the LinkedIn Community
  • All of the algorithm and code are built by Louis from scratch

Instant Data Report

  • A repo which provides the code to generate instant data report using an R package called Data Explorer which is executed in Python using the help of RPy2
  • 100+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

Mortality Rate Prediction based on Age and Cigarette Types in Canada

  • Mortality Rate Prediction based on Age and Cigarette Types in Canada using Generalized Linear Model for Count Data
  • This is one of Louis' tasks in GLM class he took during his study at Bandung Insitute of Technology

Flight and Hotel Cross Selling Prediction

  • This is a collaboration project between Louis Owen, Vinson Ciawandy and Evan Martua
  • Given the flight and hotel transaction history data, they try to predict the flight and hotel cross-selling in one of the biggest ticketing company in Indonesia


  • A tutorial on how to use Google Colab and sending email notification from Python

Using R in Python with RPy2

  • A tutorial on how to use R in Python with RPy2


Customizable Real-time Dashboard to Monitor Your Google Form Responses

gform dashboard flow
  • In this article, Louis gives a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to visualize real-time Google Form responses in Streamlit dashboard, starting from importing responses in google sheets until the deployment of the dashboard.
  • Featured in Towards Data Science
  • 280+ claps from the Medium reader
  • 140+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

How to Build a Mosaic Image Generator from Scratch

mosaic image generator I/O
  • In this article, Louis gives a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to build a mosaic image generator from scratch.
  • 300+ claps from the Medium reader
  • 120+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

Semi-supervised Intent Classification with GAN-BERT

  • The initiation of this project is motivated by a simple question comes to Louis' mind: Is it possible to do text-classification with 150 target classes using only 10 labelled samples for each class but still get a good performance?
  • 200+ claps from the Medium reader
  • 100+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

Introducing AI-Powered Portfolio

  • In this article, Louis gives a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to build a personal AI assistant.
  • 150+ claps from the Medium reader
  • 130+ supports from the LinkedIn Community

Invitation to All Aspiring Reinforcement Learning Practitioner

invitation RL
  • In this article, he also shared the Introduction to RL in an interesting and fun way!
  • 380+ claps from the Medium reader
  • 130+ supports from the LinkedIn Community
  • Through this article, Louis invited all aspiring Reinforcement Learning (RL) practitioner to learn RL together with him in 3 months.

Powerful Packages to Boost your Exploratory Data Analysis Performance

eda packages
  • In this article, Louis introduced 3 awesome free packages which can generate an HTML report comprises various kind of EDA, in just a couple lines of Python code!
  • Featured in Medium
  • 60+ claps from the Medium reader

Recent Talks



This is bold and this is strong. This is italic and this is emphasized. This is superscript text and this is subscript text. This is underlined and this is code: for (;;) { ... }. Finally, this is a link.

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


Fringilla nisl. Donec accumsan interdum nisi, quis tincidunt felis sagittis eget tempus euismod. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus vestibulum. Blandit adipiscing eu felis iaculis volutpat ac adipiscing accumsan faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus lorem ipsum dolor sit amet nullam adipiscing eu felis.


i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
